Steel x Standert Pop Up Shop Launch Ride
Standert Bicycles
Standert x Steel Cyclwear Rideout (PARIS)
Sat, 21.09. at 03:00
14 of 20 places available
This awaits you
Welcome to a Standert ride in Paris, lead by local Parisien Standert Ride Leader, Maxime.

_English & French Details Below_

Sortie Chevreuse avec Standert — Finish Steel Cyclewear and Coffeeshop

Le finish se fera chez Steel. Un café filtre vous sera offert !

Ride Leader: Maxime
Date : Samedi 21 septembre 2024
Heure de rendez-vous : 8h45
Heure de départ : 9h
Lieu de rendez-vous : haut de la bosse de Longchamp (voir trace)
Distance : 85km
Dénivelé : 840m
Vitesse : 25-27km/h (intermédiaire)

No Drop

Apportez de quoi être autonome : nourriture, CAA, outils, etc
Casque obligatoire.

The finish will be at Steel. A filter coffee will be offered!

Ride Leader: Maxime
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Meeting Time: 8:45 AM
Departure Time: 9:00 AM
Meeting Location: Top of the Longchamp Hill (see route)
Distance: 85 km
Elevation Gain: 840 m
Speed: 25-27 km/h (intermediate)

No Drop

Bring what you need to be self-sufficient: food, repair kit, tools, etc.
Helmet required.

Groupride waiver

Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 (The organizer may request proof of age) and are physically capable of participating in cycling. acts as an event intermediary and not an organizer. The rides are organized and managed by the person named on the detail page. By using and registering for an outing published on by the organizer, you, as a participant, agree to the following terms of use.