kids studios cc - season opening
already over ...
kids studios cc - season openingby Tim Stölting
Short Facts
This awaits you
Hi! 💙

Die Blumen blühen, die Nasen kitzeln, das kann nur eines bedeuten: it’s season opening time!

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag (23.4) um 18:00 Uhr am Sperrwerk, um gemeinsam ganz entspannt ca. 50km den Deich inklusive Umland zu bearbeiten. Es gilt wie immer, all smiles, no drop! Everybody’s welcome! 💙

Bringt bitte snacks & hydration, flickzeug (+ helm safety first) mit!

Im Anschluss gibts Getränke und snackos beim Kiosk unseres Vertrauens direkt am Deich.

Wir freuen uns 🥹

Robin und Tim

Groupride disclaimer

Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 (The organizer may request proof of age) and are physically capable of participating in cycling. acts as an event intermediary and not an organizer. The rides are organized and managed by the person named on the detail page. By using and registering for an outing published on by the organizer, you, as a participant, agree to the following terms of use.