FlaR Gruppetto Ride
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Gruppetto | by FlaRby Marcel | FlaR
Wed, 07.08. at 11:30
1 already participate

Sternbrücke MagdeburgSternbrücke, Magdeburg

70 kmRoute

30 km/hPace

This awaits you
The Feierabendrunde for employees and the early bird ride for students in Magdeburg. Easy in the bunch, fast in the wind, waiting for everyone and always caring for each other.

In general, always ride responsibly and thoughtfully of everyone behind you, adapt to the group, know group ride etiquette and hand signals and spread good vibes.

17:20 Meet -> 17:30 #time2abfahrt

Our 6 simple group ride rules to ensure that as many levels as possible have fun together:
1. Take it easy on the climbs and ride fast on easy descents.
2. Accelerate really slowly and evenly after bends, traffic lights etc. and turn round to see if everyone is on board
3. Ride two-by-two clean and tight at handlebar height and slightly misaligned behind each other. The rider who can ride less quickly sets the pace.
4. Change after a few minutes with hand signals to the outside, preferably both to the right. Please only ride in the front if you are know what you are doing.
5. If someone falls out of the group, it is the duty of each participant to communicate this as quickly as possible and to drop back immediately.
6. Please download the route or actively communicate that you don't have it and need routing commands!

All FlaR group ride routes: https://www.komoot.com/de-de/collection/2653436/-flar-group-ride-routes-2024
FlaR on social media: https://www.instagram.com/flar_racing_team/

Groupride waiver

Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 (The organizer may request proof of age) and are physically capable of participating in cycling. grouprides.cc acts as an event intermediary and not an organizer. The rides are organized and managed by the person named on the detail page. By using grouprides.cc and registering for an outing published on grouprides.cc by the organizer, you, as a participant, agree to the following terms of use.