Basic Bike Workshop 101
Basic Bike Workshop 101by Roberto Gallegos
Wed, 26.02. at 12:45
0 of 11 places available
Women OnlyThis Groupride is exclusively for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender individuals.


Veloroo CycleHub MünchenThalkirchner Straße 210, München

1:30 hDuration
This awaits you
English Version
Bike Workshop 101 – Basic Bike Maintenance & Fixing a Flat Tire

Marti & Jessi will host this workshop at Veloroo, covering the following topics:

Welcome & Networking
Basic Maintenance
What to Include in Your Repair Kit
Fixing a Flat Tire
Bike Quiz

This workshop is designed for beginners and will teach you how to take care of your bike and fix a flat tire yourself. The cost of the entire workshop is about the same as getting a flat tire fixed at a bike shop – sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?

The workshop costs 29 € and can be paid by card at Veloroo. WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH
Please sign up via to reserve your spot. If you can't attend, make sure to cancel your reservation at least one day in advance.
Bike Workshop 101 – Basic Bike Maintenance & Fixing a Flat Tire
Jessi & unser Mechaniker Marti veranstalten den Workshop bei Veloroo und bringen euch folgende Themen näher:

Welcome & Networking
Grundlegende Pflege
Was gehört ins Reparatur-Kit?

Der Workshop richtet sich an Anfänger:innen und zeigt euch, wie ihr euer Rad pflegt und unterwegs einen Platten reparieren könnt. Der gesamte Workshop kostet so viel wie ein Schlauchwechsel in einer Fahrradwerkstatt – das klingt doch fair, oder?

Wichtiger Hinweis:
Die Kosten für den Workshop betragen 29 € und können per Karte im Veloroo bezahlt werden. KEIN BARGELD ZAHLUNG MÖCHLICH
Bitte melde dich über an und storniere deine Anmeldung rechtzeitig (mindestens einen Tag vorher), falls du doch nicht teilnehmen kannst.


Participation is open to all individuals who are at least 18 years old (the organizer may request proof of age). acts as an event facilitator and not as an organizer. The event is hosted and organized by the person or brand listed on the event details page.